Crankcase Polini P.R.E. 70cc Piaggio Zip SP LC
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Tuning specialists Polini introduce their outstanding P.R.E. racing kit (Polini Racing Engine), and this is the basis for all the high-end components: the Polini Crankcase P.R.E. 70cc Piaggio. The crankcase is based on the crankcase layout for short Piaggio engines which is the engine mostly used at the Polini Cup. Even though the base is quite similar, the details and the remaining engine components are quite different.
- increased crankcase volume
- innovative support to optimize cylinder to exhaust alignment
- made from light alloy
- reinforced bearing seats
- improved torsional resistance
The P.R.E. crankcase is a high-end piece of equipment, designed for the race track and for dedicated tuners. As such, it is customizable - you can add different tuning parts such as a lighter / heavier flywheel or run it with a standard rim with drum brake or the Torsen WD swingarm plus Polini P.R.E. rim with disc brake + Polini caliper.
The crankcase is "empty", that means without bearings and oil seals (and any other engine components).